We worked closely with the PlusThis team to create custom illustrations for their homepage to give them a more distinctive look than stock photography. The illustrations support their featured services and provide an entirely new look for the website.
Here's a look at how the project developed from start to finish below.
We pulled illustration references for Bryce at PlusThis to review—giving him a range of styles to choose from while staying within his budget.
Rough Sketches
With our illustration style locked down, we created rough sketches for each image. A big part of staying on-budget and on-schedule is checking in with the customer early and often. It's much easier to iterate on loose sketches than fully-colored art.
Illustration Style Review
With the sketches locked down, we moved onto style and coloring options. We ended up with a loose, almost watercolor effect with PlusThis' green brand color as the accent.
Final Images
We delivered a total of 8 final images. View all by visiting the PlusThis homepage.